Monday, June 18, 2007

The system

Just to get the basic groundwork out of the way, here's what I'm dealing with on the technical side:

My computer is running Ubuntu Linux, version 7.04 (Feisty Fawn - hey, nobody consults me on these names).

The tablet is a Genius G-Pen 560, running on the WizardPen driver, version 0.5.0.

I generally prefer to use the GIMP over any other graphics program. Call it a personal bias.

Here's the relevant section of my xorg.conf file as pertains to my tablet:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "WizardPen Tablet"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
Driver "wizardpen"
Option "Device" "/dev/tablet-event"
Option "TopZ" "0"
Option "TopX" "0"
Option "TopY" "0"
Option "BottomZ" "250"
Option "BottomX" "60000"
Option "BottomY" "45000"
Option "MaxX" "60000"
Option "MaxY" "45000"
Option "MaxZ" "1024"

And that's that. Now we can get on to the (hopefully) good part.

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